Well, I have another thought for
y'all. I am in a class called "A Biblical World View" and in that class we discuss how we get a Biblical world view. In the class, we recently talked about a intersting subject that I wanted to get your guys thoughts on. Lets say for example, you are a Christian and live in Germany during WW2 and you are hiding Jews in your house. The S.S. comes and demands that you tell them where the Jews are. Do you lie, and say you have no Jews in your house, or do you say i am not going to tell you and leave the rest up to God?
Now some people say that if you lied to the S.S. agent, you are still obeying God because the Bible says you should obey God's law rather than man's. On the other side, some people say that you should have faith in God and leave it up to him what happens and not lie. Now, I have looked this subject up in my Bible and here's what I found.
In my
MacArthur Study Bible, it says in Acts 5:29 " But Peter and the other apostles answered(to the high priest) and said, We aught to obey God rather than men". So I looked at the side note for this verse and it said look at the notes for Acts 4:19. So I did, and here's what the verse said " But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you Judge". I looked at the side notes (and i tend to think
MacArthur knows what he is talking about) for that verse and it says " Christians should obey
governmental authority, but when government decrees are clearly contrary to God's word, God must be obeyed''.
Now the Bible also says in numerous places that you should have faith in God and trust in him for all things, for example Mark 11:2o-24, Psalm 31:23, and numerous other places.
Now I personally think it would be okay to lie to the S.S. because I think we can all agree that Germany's
government was in the wrong with the killing of the Jews who had done nothing wrong, and clearly went against what God says. Even though we can only speculate about what we would do in that circumstance, we can only hope we would all make the right choice.