
Saturday, November 28, 2009


oh, they are soooo good, garlic especially.The food this Thanksgiving was oh so tasty.Mashed potatoes,green bean casserole,a 20 lb. turkey,fresh rolls,berry jello,salad,beets,brussel sprouts,homemade gravy,homemade stuffing,pickled okra,homemade apple and pumpkin pie, and good ole vanilla i scream.Yum-me!!! And an average age of at least 55 years, if not older. My personal favs were the mashed potatoes,rolls, DARK turkey meat, and the apple beans dude!!!

I challenge the readers of this blog to help me break the previous comment record of 206.


Megan said...

Do you actually like Brussel sprouts?! Well, anyway I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was fairly smaller then normal. We had the Underhills, my brother James, and Stacia, plus my grandpa over. My grandma is in Texas. I think my favorite food was the yams and a pumpkin cheesecake I made. It was really yummy.

Oh, you record was actually 226. So here is 1.

Enraged yet? said...

I'M breaking the record!

joshthecollegekid said...

no no,you dont break the record, we ALL do......

Hannah said...

All that food sounds fabulous. Ours was good too, but Grandma's allergic to dairy, so so of it was weird...

Hannah said...

I mean: "so some of it etc."

Andrea said...

You're aming my mouth water. That all sounds really good! Aside from brussel sprouts. I don't know what those taste like.

Yay for comment records and dark turkey meat! ;D (If I go back to the previous Thanksgiving's post and start commenting there do we have to up the record here, too?)

Andrea said...

I meant "making" when I said aming. D:

joshthecollegekid said...

no, we have to break the record of 226.....the last one doesn't, i dont like brussel sprouts either....

Megan said...

So why did you add them into your list of "yummy" foods if you don't like them?

joshthecollegekid said...

I just listed the foods that were served.....the meal was yummy in general.....

Andrea said...

Ohhhh no, he likes them. He just doesn't want to admit it, for reasons unknown to me.

joshthecollegekid said...

yea i like them...when im DREAMING...(im not even sure id like them then).....

Andrea said...

Soo... Your secret wish is that you would like brussel sprouts, but it is a feat you can only accomplish whilst dreaming?

His Handmaidens said...

weird...but I think I said that last time we got 226 comments.

joshthecollegekid said...

no, i dont like'm.....never have never debating commenting just enough to get number 20....

joshthecollegekid said...

i lost the debate.....

Enraged yet? said...

Food rox

joshthecollegekid said...

is that like fox ??.....

Hannah said...

Hey there mister, I saw your comment on my blog, and I am here to say I resemble that remark!!

His Handmaidens said...

Hey, I have an idea. I'll ask a question, and you answer it.
drum roll please...

How can you try to change the world?

I'm serious here.Think about it

His Handmaidens said...

Ok, revise that...
How can you change the world, not just try too?

Andrea said...

So hard for a one-person feat... But, to think... I see people say they care abvout the people and world they live with/in. Then why not SHOW it? It's small, but I think such actions could be contagious. I mean, it's the least we could do...

I shall think of more later. I'm trying to avopid saying become a politician, because, I myself could not do that.

His Handmaidens said...

same here.

joshthecollegekid said...

You could go veggietarian. But only if you actually believe global warming is going to kill us all before we turn 20...turns out that processing meat contributes waaaay more toxins and polutes the air waaay worse than gas/oil burning......hmmm..why isn't Al Gore veggietarian all ready....

Andrea said...

Being a vegetarian sounds boring, and I don't believe in global warming anyway. So there wouldn't exactly be a point....

joshthecollegekid said... gore needs to give it warming is a fake...and he KNOWS it...i wonder why global warming supporters couldn't even be PAID 1 million dollars to haev a simple debate with those who disagreee with it..

His Handmaidens said...

Oops...did I kill the comment thread before we even got to 30?

joshthecollegekid said...

idk does seem tho that comments come easier when theres no set topic...i just sayin...that and everybodys on facebook nowadays...

Andrea said...

Global warming is fake because the earth is gradually warming up due to things beyond our control. Even if our mass production type stuff is helping it out, we can't really control it much.

*sigh.* Facebook is evil.

joshthecollegekid said...

Al Gore is a LOSER!!!!...and i can't stand his ugly FACE!??!?!...whoa..sudden outburst.....scary.....