well, i have some news. To some it may be cool news, to some good news, to some bad news and to some, THEY DON'T CARE!! Soooooooooo the news is...........wait for it..........the Book of Eli has come out TODAY on dvd!! I did see at theaters but I am still TOTALLY PUMPED to rent it and watch it again
So i tried very hard to post yesterday, see yesterday i was on an Ipad and posted a status on FB but it wouldn't let me post on my blog. Kinda aggravating, cuz I really wanted to make you think I had an Ipad get ya'll jealous and stuff....oh, epic fail!
Posts will continue at a more random, spaced non-schedule than usual do to no internet still in Iowa.....TTFN!!
I just got to watch it!!! It's amazing!!!!!
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