CURSE YOU FACEBOOK MAKERS!!!!.....actually, I'm on FB too. It's just that EVERYONE THAT USED TO BE ON BLOGGER, no longer is on blogger really....they're all on facebook.......*facepalms*....has everyone succumbed to the numbing power of Facebook? Really people? Did you forget blogger existed or WHAT?!?...Unlike them, I am able to balance between Facebook and other things including blogger............I dunno.....
I am submitting short story I put on here a while back into a short story contest. I doubt my actual chances of winning are high, but hey.....what do I have to lose really?.......
I'm not on facebook! So your statement of "everyone" is false. But I guess it has been debated whether or not I'm human so "everyone" might not include me:(
Shush. I BLOG TOO!!
Oooh short story. o wo.
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